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River Cruise

Water, colours and dancing!

This week we have moved onto some poetry writing. We have been inspired by the poem 'I asked the Little Boy who Cannot See'. After reading the poem, we collected our own words for colour using our sense of smell, taste, sound and touch. We went outside for green, we tried oranges, pomegranates and marshmallows, we smelt vanilla and felt cotton wool. We are now using the words we collected to create similes and metaphors for our own versions of the poem.

Our curriculum area is geography. We began our river studies in the Immersive Classroom, finding out what a river is, where rivers start and where they end up. We were able to go on a river cruise along the River Amazon. We continued our work on Thursday by finding out the role rivers play in the water cycle, and we have created our own mini-water cycles in cups.

In music this week, we performed our country dance for Mrs Holt to record. We have been working on it with Mrs White-Joubert for a few weeks, and we have now perfected it!

Today we came to school in non-uniform, bringing with us donations for the harvest festival which we are looking forward to next week.