Welcome Back!
Summer Term has arrived!
Welcome back to the Summer term. The first week back has been enjoyable and the children have returned full of enthusiasm and raring to go.
We are having a genuine drive on promoting social skill development because we want to see pupils interact with one another more respectfully and politely. We want to continue our work at preparing our children to be the best they can be as our future citizens of the world.
It has been great to see the children in Year 4 carrying on with their #WeWillProject on Geo-Caching around the school site because there are so many different permutations when using it, which are clearly very engaging.
I have been thoroughly impressed by the new, sensory circuits we have taking place each morning in the Hall for fifteen minutes to help those requiring some additional calming activities the chance to regulate and being their day of learning in the right frame of mind. Well done to staff for organising and managing the sessions.
Today, I was very proud to see so many different children of all ages showing visitors around the school and posing some probing questions to them during an interview process. It makes me very proud to see how they interacted with them. I have no doubt they will continue to be so welcoming.
This term we have lots of events coming up, so please check the events' timetable. Next week on Tuesday, we have our KS2 SATs information session for Year 6 parents to learn how the SATs week will run. We hope to see you then straight after school in the Hall.
Have a great weekend everyone.