Half Termly Round Up

A busy and successful half term.
We have been very this half-term. We started with our study of the Stone Age, Bronze Age and the Iron Age. We found out how life changed for the ancient Britons, examining the evidence to learn how their lives developed from hunter-gatherers to farmers. We used the Immersive Classroom to visit Stonehenge and, in English, we wrote a persuasive piece about why people should visit.
In maths, we have moved on to multiplication and division. Initially, we are learning some of the times tables before moving on to using that knowledge to multiply and divide using larger numbers.
In science, we studied rocks and soils. We had a visit from a rock expert who told us about the different types of rocks and how they are formed. We also learnt about fossils and how they are formed before having a go at making our very own fossil. Through our guided reading lessons, we found out about Mary Anning and her amazing fossil finds!
This week we enjoyed our Christmas Concert where we performed alongside the rest of the school. Year three sang Little Donkey, accompanied by some bells and glockenspiels.
Everyone in 3RH wishes you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.