The Stone Age children remember
This blog post if for the weeks commencing 31/10/2022 and 07/11/2022
3GV have started lots of new topics this week!
In Maths, we continue practising our Addition and Subtraction in our 6 in 6's and have started to look at Multiplication and Division in the main bulk of our lessons. We have loved using arrays with counters for our investigations into multiplication.
In English, we have been looking at the book The Stone Age Boy where a boy falls back in time to the Stone Age and retells his adventure. We have begun our History unit which links directly with our English work - The Stone Age! We have learnt about how people survived in the Stone Age including hunter-gathers, the tools they used and where they got their resources from. We have looked closely at how the Stone Age developed through the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods by using archaeological evidence to help us. We have explained details of the Cheddar man, Skara Brae and Stonehenge; and explored how tools and life changed through the Bronze Age. We have sewn this whole time period together in Guided Reading by looking at different texts which are based around the Iron Age.
In Pe, we continue our work on creating a dance to Ed Sheeran's Shivers which is nearly complete!
On 11/11/2022, we went to the Remembrance service and set down our Remembrance day poppies that we created in class.
Well done 3GV for some fantastic discussions, enthusiasm and creativity.