This is the blog post for the weeks commencing 02/01/2023 and 09/01/2023.
This week in English we have started our new topic called The Street Beneath Our Feet which is an explanation text that links to our next science unit. We boogied and learnt the words to the Rock cycle song and watched a documentary on animals that burrow beneath the surface. Our Guided Reading has also been closely linked with our next science topic, we have been looking at Famous Fossils.
In Maths, we have continued our work with Multiplication and Division but have been focusing on Multiplication of 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. We have used Base 10, Stem sentences and pictorial methods to support our learning.
In Topic, we have been focusing on our Dreams and Goals in PSHE. We have looked at challenges that people may face, whether these are long-term or short-term. We have also been discussing how people might overcome the challenges we face. Lastly, we have focused on our own aspirations for the future and created a positivity pebble with our inspirational quote and dream job. In ICT we became Network explorers and ventured around the school to see everything that was connected to the network.
Fridays have been all very exciting with 3GV taking a dive into the pool and learning how to swim. This Friday, we had our Lego Education visit us and show us our first piece of coding in Year 3.
More excitement to come this Half-term|!