We've hit the ground running!
Three weeks in!
We are now 3 weeks in to term and our routines have been established. We have been earning plenty of Dojo points for our house teams by completing reads at home as well as practising times tables and spellings.
In English we have been writing a non-chronological report about Evolution and we are now on the verge of our first independent writing of the year. In Geography we have been locating countries our food comes from and learning about domestic and international trade, starting with The Silk Road used by merchants from China over 2,000 years ago! Next week we will be thinking about and discussing our final conclusions to the geographical enquiry Why is fair trade fair?
In Maths we are improving our fluency by completing 10 questions in 10 minutes every day! We've been learning to read, compare, order and round numbers up to 10 million moving on to practising the four rules.
We're enjoying our Games lessons with Premier Sports this half term- invasion games give us a much needed break from our hectic days!