Harvest Festival
As the weather forecast for this morning was so awful we reluctantly decided not to risk the walk to church, especially when it began to spit. However, our spirits were not dampened and instead the church came to us at each school.
At the Junior School, Rev. Jo led our celebration in the hall and it was a lovely occasion. We enjoyed singing our new favourite Harvest song - a Harvest style version of a George Ezra song with specially adapted words - and we also appreciated a song from the choir and a dance from the dance group.
Rev. Jo reminded us of the message of Harvest using a biscuit to get us to think about where all the ingredients of a biscuit come from and how farmers are crucial in putting food on our tables. Our School Councillors took some of the many tins and packets that have been so generously donated to the front of the hall and Rev. Jo said a special prayer of thanks.
Great job from everyone involved. All the donations will now be taken to the Martham Food Bank.