The Children's Day
The morning session starts at 8:45am and ends at 12.30pm. Children should arrive no earlier than 8:30am, as that is when adult supervision begins.
Lunch break is from 12.30 to 1.30pm.
The afternoon session starts at 1.30pm and ends at 3.30pm.
The school is open in a typical week 33.75 hours.
The classroom doors open at 8.45am and close at 8:55am when registration takes place. Registration for the afternoon session is at 1.30pm. If your children arrive after 8:55am they will be marked as ‘late’ and this will show on their attendance record.
A pedestrian gate provides safe entry to the school for children and parents. Please do not use the main gates, as buses, delivery vehicles and staff cars use these. Parents are welcome to walk down the pathway and wait near their children on the front playground at the start of the day and similarly to wait for them to leave their classes when school finishes. All pupils will be collected from their class markers on the front playground. The pedestrian gate will be unlocked just before the school day ends. Teachers come out with their classes at the end of the day and this is often a good time to speak to your child’s teacher if you have any messages or concerns.
Safety is very important at arrival and departure times – please keep young children with you and under close supervision at all times. Please remind your child to use the crossing patrol for safety reasons. We ask parents and children not to cycle, roller skate or scooter once on our school grounds. We also ask parents not to park in the school grounds at the start or end of the day, unless direct permission from the school has been received in acknowledgement of a registered disability. Please park with consideration along the roadside near the school if you need to bring your children by car. Please do not block the driveways of local residents, mount pavements or park where visibility for children and parents crossing roads is impaired. We also ask parents not to bring dogs on to school grounds nor smoke/vape on our premises.
The school asks that children have written parental permission to cycle or scoot to school. Children who do cycle/scoot to school should wear a safety helmet and all equipment should conform to all legal requirements and safety regulations.
Depending on the age of the child, but those children who live more than three miles from their designated school are eligible for free transport to and from school. At present, eligible children living in the Mautby and Runham area and from Scratby and California, travel on a contract coach. The responsibility for school transport lies with Norfolk Local Authority and not the school. If you have any questions about your child's entitlement to school transport please contact: Passenger Transport Unit Customer Services Team County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich. NR1 2DL. Telephone: 0844 800 8003
We have worked very hard to achieve the Healthy Schools Standard. Children are encouraged to bring a named plastic water bottle to school so they can have access to water throughout the day. Children may fill water bottles from suitable taps as necessary across the day. Children may bring in a healthy snack from home to eat at break time if they wish. This should be fruit (fresh or dried), raw vegetables or healthy, sugar free snack bars. They should not bring sweets or biscuits.
Lunch Time: 12.30 – 1.30pm
Children may stay for a school meal, bring a packed lunch or go home for lunch. If your child is going home for lunch, we ask that you collect your child from the office at 12.30pm returning by 1.25pm. Please check back in to the office so that we know which individuals are on the premises.
Children may have a hot cooked meal, a filled jacket potato or a packed lunch, prepared in the on-site school kitchen. Alternatively, they can bring a packed lunch from home. We ask that all money for school lunches is brought in on a Monday morning in an envelope marked with the child’s name, class and the days of the week when a school packed lunch or hot meal is required. Please remember - hot drinks can scald, so beverages should all be cold. The school does not have 'cold store' facilities so please consider this when selecting items for the packed lunches.
We are a nut-free school, so please support us by ensuring your child's home-packed lunch is nut free too, as we may have children and staff with allergies.